Prof. Dr. Christian B. Mendl
Technische Universität München
CIT - Department of Computer Science
Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Straße 5
85748 Garching
Publications: arXiv, Google Scholar
Scientific software:
Research interests
tensor network methods, computational physics and chemistry, quantum computing, high performance computing, theoretical condensed matter physics, statistical and non-equilibrium physics
- Assistant Professor (Rudolf Mößbauer Tenure Track), TU München (2019 - today)
- Jun.-Prof., TU Dresden, Institute of Scientific Computing (2017 - 2019)
- Postdoc, Stanford University (2015 - 2017) in the group of Tom Devereaux
- Postdoc, TU München (2012 - 2015), with Herbert Spohn and Gero Friesecke
- PhD Physics, LMU München (2012)
- Diploma Physics [pdf] with Michael Wolf in the group of Ignacio Cirac (2008)
- Diploma Mathematics [pdf] with Gero Friesecke, TU München (2008)
- B.S. Mathematics, TU München (2006), TopMath graduate program
- since October 2003: undergraduate student at TU München
Selected publications
- Ayse Kotil,
Rahul Banerjee,
Qunsheng “Keefe” Huang,
Christian B. Mendl
Riemannian quantum circuit optimization for Hamiltonian simulation
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57, 135303 (2024) - Richard Milbradt,
Lisa Scheller,
Christopher Aßmus,
Christian B. Mendl
Ternary unitary quantum lattice models and circuits in 2 + 1 dimensions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 090601 (2023) Edwin W. Huang, Christian B. Mendl, Shenxiu Liu, Steven Johnston, Hong-Chen Jiang, Brian Moritz, Thomas P. Devereaux
Numerical evidence of fluctuating stripes in the normal state of high-Tc cuprate superconductors [pdf]
Science 358, 1161-1164 (2017)
See also the news announcement at SLAC.- Annabelle Bohrdt,
Christian B. Mendl,
Manuel Endres,
Michael Knap
Scrambling and thermalization in a diffusive quantum many-body system [pdf]
New J. Phys. 19, 063001 (2017) - Christian B. Mendl, Herbert Spohn
Dynamic correlators of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains and nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics [pdf]
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 230601 (2013) Christian B. Mendl, Michael M. Wolf
Unital quantum channels - Convex structure and revivals of Birkhoff’s theorem [pdf]
Commun. Math. Phys. 289, 1057-1086 (2009)
- Herbert Spohn, TU München
- Andrew Lucas, University of Colorado Boulder
- Tom Devereaux, Stanford
- Gero Friesecke, TU München
- Jianfeng Lu, Duke University
- Lin Lin, University of California, Berkeley
- Michael Knap, TU München
- Annabelle Bohrdt, Universität Regensburg
- Manuel Endres, Caltech
- Sauro Succi, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- Paola Gori-Giorgi, Microsoft Research AI4Science
- Jani Lukkarinen, University of Helsinki
- Martin Fürst, TU München
- Huajie Chen, LSEC, China
- Eric Cances and Virginie Ehrlacher, ENPC Paris
- Tim Gollisch, Universität Göttingen
- Codina Cotar, UCL London
- Michael Wolf, TU München